"Nachweis der Selbstständigkeit des Unternehmensteils bei Begrenzung
der EEG-Umlage nach der Besonderen Ausgleichsregelung – Anmerkung zu BVerwG, Urt. v. 28.10.2020 – 8 C 19/19" [Limitation of the EEG surcharge for independent parts of the company - Comment on the decision of the German Federal Administrative Court dated 28th October 2020 - 8 C 19/19]
Limitation of the EEG surcharge for independent parts of the company - Comment on the decision of the German Federal Administrative Court dated 28th October 2020 - 8 C 19/19 (only available in German language)
"juris PraxisReport – Umwelt- und Planungsrecht 01/2021 Anm. 4" [juris PraxisReport - Environmental and Planning Law 01/2021 Note 4]