"EuGH zum Erfordernis der öffentlichen Distanzierung vom Kartell bei der Feststellung der Kartellbeendigung – Entscheidungsbesprechung zu EuGH, Urteil vom 28.11.2019 – C-596/18 P- Stromkabel" [ECJ on the requirement of public dissociation from the cartel in the determination of cartel termination - Decision discussion on ECJ, Judgment of 28.11.2019 - C-596/18 P- Stromkabel]
ECJ on the requirement of public dissociation from the cartel in the determination of cartel termination - Decision discussion on ECJ, Judgment of 28.11.2019 - C-596/18 P- Stromkabel (only available in German)
February 2020
"Beck-Verlag Newsletter, Newsdienst Compliance 2/2020" [Beck-Verlag Newsletter, Compliance News 2/2020