"Keine vermiedenen Netzentgelte bei Einspeisung in das Höchstspannungsnetz - Anmerkung zur Entscheidung des BGH vom 27.10.2020 (EnVR 70/19) " [No avoided grid fees for feed-in to the extra-high voltage grid - Comment on the decision of the Federal Court of Justice dated 27.10.2020 (EnVR 70/19)]
No avoided grid fees for feed-in to the extra-high voltage grid - Comment on the decision of the Federal Court of Justice dated 27.10.2020 (EnVR 70/19) (only available in German language)
"jurisPR-UmwR 9/2021 Anm. 4." [jurisPR-UmwR 9/2021 Note 4.]