WirtschaftsWoche recognizes GÖRG as TOP law firm 2018 in the field of insolvency law & restructuring


[Cologne, ] GÖRG again ranks among the top law firms in the field of insolvency law & restructuring. In its 41/2018 issue, WirtschaftsWoche magazine had the top law firms in 2018 determined by an independent jury. GÖRG was awarded as one of 49 top law firms for insolvency law & restructuring.

As part of the selection process, the Handelsblatt Research Institute (HRI) first identified 660 insolvency lawyers from 62 law firms. These in turn should each name five renowned colleagues. The resulting list of 146 lawyers from 65 law firms was submitted to an expert jury in the third step. The jurors evaluated the above-mentioned lawyers and law firms and added missing experts as required. Finally, the HRI weighted the answers from the survey and the jury round. In order to reach the final top list of the 49 leading insolvency law firms and 70 highly recommended lawyers, at least five points had to be scored.

The WirtschaftsWoche expert panel and the jury selected in total four leading experts in insolvency law in Germany in 2018: Dr. Helmut Balthasar, Dr. Thorsten Bieg, Dr. Gerrit Hölzle and Dr. Martin Stockhausen of GÖRG.


Dr. Helmut Balthasar, Portrait

Dr. Helmut Balthasar

Prof. Dr. habil. Gerrit Hölzle, Portrait

Prof. Dr. habil. Gerrit Hölzle

Dr. Martin Stockhausen, Portrait

Dr. Martin Stockhausen


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