Stefan Liese, Portrait

Stefan Liese

Attorney (Germany) | Specialist for insolvency and reorganisation law | Partner GÖRG Insolvenzverwaltung Partnergesellschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB
Uhlemeyerstrasse 9
Breiter Weg 10 a (Hundertwasserhaus)
Frankfurter Strasse 5 (ARTMax)


Stefan Liese is a specialist lawyer for insolvency and reorganisation law and a partner at GÖRG Insolvenzverwaltung Part-nergesellschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Hanover. 

Stefan Liese has been an expert in insolvency and reorganisation law since 2005. As a partner at GÖRG Insolvenzverwaltung, a partnership of lawyers mbB, he has extensive experience in insolvency administration and insolvency law advice.

His expertise covers the continuation and liquidation of insolvent companies from various sectors. Stefan Liese has played a key role in numerous restructurings and has the necessary expertise to guide companies through difficult phases.



GÖRG Insol­venz­ver­waltung


Two nationwide insol­vency law firms

Worked as a lawyer and insol-vency admini­s­t­rator


Admitted to the bar

Internship in an insol­vency law firm in Düsseldorf.

Legal clerkship in Duisburg

University of Hannover

Law studies

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