Dr. Roland Hoffmann-Theinert, Portrait

Dr. Roland Hoffmann-Theinert

Attorney (Germany) | Notary | Partner


Dr. Roland Hoffmann-Theinert, E.M.B.L.-HSG, is a lawyer, partner and notary in our Berlin office. He is the founder of our Berlin office and was active in the management of our firm for many years.

He is the trusted advisor of domestic and foreign entrepreneurs and companies who are looking for an external advisor (and not just a consultant) at eye level with whom they can frequently and willingly enter into a strategic dialog about the next entrepreneurial steps, be it in a corporate restructuring, the purchase or sale of a company or part of a company (M&A transaction), the admission of a new shareholder, the internal handling of a compliance issue or even a dispute within the circle of shareholders and finally the complex issues surrounding a tailor-made corporate succession. This advice requires a high degree of broad professional quality, close and trusting coordination with the respective specialist colleagues involved in the in-depth processing of parts of the task, many years of experience, but above all the trust of the client and absolute confidentiality paired with a grounded professional self-confidence.

Hoffmann-Theinert also frequently advises various corporate collegial bodies (supervisory board or advisory board) in the course of problem solving in order to provide the necessary comfort for a legally unassailable solution, whereby he has been able to accumulate helpful expertise over the years due to his own work as a supervisory board member in various companies (including as chairman of the supervisory board of Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH with a co-determined supervisory board).

he aforementioned qualifications of Hoffmann-Theinert are also regularly utilized by wealthy private individuals with their diverse entrepreneurial interests. offmann-Theinert also acts as executor in individual cases.

For many years, Hoffmann-Theinert was a lecturer at the Free University of Berlin and also at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

He has published numerous articles and is the co-editor of Beck's online commentary on the German Commercial Code (HGB). His work as a lawyer at GÖRG was preceded by positions in banks and insurance companies in Germany and abroad.




Country respon­si­bility UK


Country respon­si­bi­lities Japan and Italy


Completion of the assignment in Frankfurt/M.



Takeover of site management in Frankfurt/M.



Joined the management of the firm



Leaving the law firm Heuking and others together with the entire Berlin office and joining the law firm GÖRG


Joined the management of the firm

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