"Ein Überblick über das „Osterpaket“ des BMWK - Die Gesetzentwürfe zur Novellierung des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes, des Windenergie-auf-See-Gesetzes und zum EEG-Entlastungsgesetz" [An overview of the BMWK's "Easter Package" - The draft laws on the amendment of the Renewable Energy Sources Act, the Offshore Wind Energy Act and the EEG Relief Act.]
An overview of the BMWK's "Easter Package" - The draft laws on the amendment of the Renewable Energy Sources Act, the Offshore Wind Energy Act and the EEG Relief Act (only available in German language)
"jurisPR-UmwR, Ausgabe 4/2022, Anm. 1" [jurisPR-UmwR, Issue 4/2022, Note 1]