GÖRG Employment Tracker, 10/2021

October 2021

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With our Employment Tracker we regularly look into the "future of labour law" for you! At the beginning of each month we present the most important decisions expected for the month from the Federal Labour Court (BAG) and the European Court of Justice (ECJ) as well as other courts. We report on the results in the issue of the following month. In addition, we point out upcoming milestones in legislative initiatives by politicians, so that you know today what you can expect tomorrow.

This time in focus:

Upcoming decisions

  • Entitlement to remuneration during a business closure due to an official order because of the Corona pandemic
  • Claim of the trade union against the employer for the implementation of a collective agreement on the remuneration of quasi -employees
  • Do insurance premiums on a life insurance policy (direct insurance) payable by way of salary conver-sion constitute attachable earned income?
  • Entitlement to overtime pay for part-time employees - Discrimination against part-time employees in case of non-granting of overtime pay?
  • Mass dismissal - Invalidity of a termination due to breach against the obligation to transmit the notification to the works council to the employment agency from Sec. 17 (3) Sentence 1 KSchG
  • Compensation under Section 15 (2) AGG for non-payment of over-time surcharges - Gender discrimination

Recent decisions

  • Shaking of the evidential value of a certificate of incapacity for work
  • Company pension scheme - Admissibility of a retirement clause in a pension plan
  • Break as working time within the meaning of the Working Time Di-rective (Directive 2003/88/EC) - Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Obvodní soud pro Prahu 9 (Czech Republic)

Legislative initiatives, important notifications & applications

  • First Amendment Ordinance on the Revision of the SARS-CoV-2 Oc-cupational Health and Safety Ordinance
  • Law on the employer's right to ask about vaccination and recovery status
  • Fourth Ordinance Amending the Short-Time Workers' Allowance Ordinance

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