Under the leadership of its partner Thoralf Herbold, GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB successfully advised CEE Group on the acquisition of the windfarm Schwalbach in Saarland. The windfarm consists of four Enercon E-115 wind turbines with a nominal energy output of 3.0 MW each. The windfarm was commissioned in the 2nd quarter of 2018.
The seller is the Dutch project developer DunoAir. The commercial management is carried out by CEE Operations GmbH. DunoAir Windpark Management B.V. is responsible for the technical management of the windfarm which produced almost 35 million kilowatt hours (kWh) of clean electricity in 2018.
GÖRG advised the CEE Group on all legal issues in connection with the transaction. In addition, GÖRG also provided comprehensive advice on tax and commercial issues, including the financial model, through its tax advisory and audit practice BWLS.
Advisors CEE Group
GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB
Thoralf Herbold, Partner, Energy Law/Public Law, Cologne/Hamburg
Jan Schellenberger, Partner, Project Development/Contract Law, Cologne
Dr. Thomas Lange, Partner, Financing, Cologne
Marc Zimmermann, Associated Partner, Financing, Cologne
Dr. Ilka Mainz, Associate, Energy Law, Cologne
Malik Djouah, Associate, Real Estate, Cologne
Dr. Benedikt Walker, Associate, Public Law, Cologne
BWLS Strunk Stoffersen Partnerschaft mbB von Steuerberatern, Wirtschaftsprüfern und Rechtsanwälten
Dipl.-Kfm. Peter Stoffersen, Partner, Tax, Hamburg
Dipl.-Kfm. Tilman Jung, Associated Partner, Tax, Hamburg
Ferdinand Petersen, Associate, Corporate/Tax, Hamburg