Right of way for the energy revolution begins with planning law

Hamburg, 25.10.2024

The energy transition places high demands on planning and infrastructure law. In a guest article for the JUVE Handbook of Commercial Law Firms 2024/2025, our lawyers and experts in public commercial law, Dr Marie Ackermann and Dr Henning Wendt, analyse the latest legal developments aimed at accelerating the expansion of energy generation and transport capacities.

The focus is on the digitalisation of planning procedures, the simplification of environmental assessments and new regulations for the expansion of electricity and hydrogen networks. These changes, for example through the revised Energy Industry Act (EnWG), are intended to help implement the ambitious climate targets and modernise infrastructure, according to the legislature.

Download: The right of way for the energy transition begins with planning law (in German)

JUVE Handbuch Wirtschaftskanzleien 2024/2025, Co-Publishing, S. 658-659

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