"Änderung des Energiesicherungsgesetzes zur Erhöhung der Stromproduktion aus erneuerbaren Energien und der Auslastung der Transportkapazitäten im Stromnetz - EnSiG 3.0" [Amendment to the Energy Security Act to increase electricity production from renewable energies and the utilization of transmission capacities in the electricity grid - EnSiG 3.0]
Amendment to the Energy Security Act to increase electricity production from renewable energies and the utilization of transmission capacities in the electricity grid - EnSiG 3.0 (only available in german language)
"Juris Praxisreport (jurisPR-UmwR), Ausgabe 9/2022, Anmerkung 1" [Juris Praxisreport (jurisPR-UmwR), Issue 9/2022, note 1]