Riethmüller, Tobias

Dr. Tobias Riethmüller

Attorney (Germany) | Graduate Economist | Partner
Office Frankfurt am Main
Ulmenstrasse 30
Frankfurt am Main


Dr. Tobias Riethmüller is a partner at GÖRG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Frankfurt am Main. As a lawyer and graduate economist, he advises national and international companies, specialising in capital markets law, corporate law and banking supervisory law. His expertise extends to the digitalisation of the financial services industry, non-bank financing and blockchain applications in the financial sector.

As a GÖRG partner, Dr Riethmüller leads a highly qualified team that specialises in the legal structuring of digital financing platforms, offerings via these platforms and the design of digital processes. His range of advice also extends to general terms and conditions law, money laundering law, data protection law, and the relevant aspects of IT law and tax law.

In addition to his expertise in traditional corporate law, including stock corporation law, group law and transformation law, Dr. Riethmüller also contributes his specialist knowledge in the field of LegalTech and digitized legal advisory.

Dr. Tobias Riethmüller is at the forefront when it comes to successfully advising companies in the financial services sector, technology and growth companies as well as bank-independent financing in the sustainability and real estate sectors. 







GSK Compliance Services GmbH

Managing Director


GSK Stockmann Compe­tence Center Digita­li­sierung

Structure and management


GSK Stockmann, Frankfurt am Main

Equity Partner, focus on capital markets law and digital financing platforms


Schie­dermair Attorneys at Law, Frankfurt am Main

Equity Partner, focus on capital markets law and digital financing platforms


Digital Invest Germany / Bundes­verband Crowd­funding e.V., Berlin

Founding member and legal advisor


Schie­dermair Attorneys at Law, Frankfurt am Main

Junior Partner, focus on capital markets law and digital financing platforms


Topic: "Minority protection and allocative control in the system of group and takeover law - A teleo­lo­gical-functional analysis of competing regulatory regimes"

Doctorate (Dr. jur.), Mainz


GSK Stockmann, Frankfurt am Main

Lawyer, specia­lizing in corporate law and capital market law


Distance learning university Hagen

Diploma in Economics

Diploma thesis on "Restruc­turing and liqui­dation of financial insti­tu­tions at risk of insol­vency in Europe"


Self-employed lawyer

Accom­panying doctorate


Shearman & Sterling LLP, Frankfurt am Main

Lawyer, specia­lizing in corporate law and capital market law


Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz

Second state exami­nation

Mehr anzeigen Weniger anzeigen

Memberships and awards

Digital Invest Germany / Bundesverband Crowdfunding (BVCF) e.V. (Founding member and legal advisor)

Scientific Association for Corporate and Company Law (VGR) e.V.

Recommended lawyer in the field of „Fintech“ (The Legal 500 2022)

Recommended lawyer in the field of „Fintech“ (The Legal 500 2021)

Teaching activities and lectures

Ongoing speaking engagements at conferences on capital markets and banking supervisory law topics related to digitalization

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