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Client Services

Corporate Law

We develop and pursue pragmatic, efficient solutions to ensure that your projects will succeed.

We will work together with you to set the course in matters of corporate law – for your company's success

Pragmatic solutions from a single source. Establishing the right corporate law framework for your company is a foundation for its success. For internal structuring and strategic collaboration with other companies, it is necessary to set a course early on. Thanks to our extensive experience, with structuring under corporate law as well as ongoing advice, we will prepare a tailored solution with you for each situation.


Target-oriented and forward-thinking

Corporate law has always been a particularly important sector of our firm's practice. With our large team of lawyers specialising in corporate law, we have the required expertise and resources even for large-scale projects. At the same time, at each of our offices we offer you a complete range of services in matters of corporate law.

Projects and issues in this legal area are often complex. This is exactly why we aspire to present you with clear and practical solutions for all advisory perspectives. This can range from founding companies, financing rounds or organisation and conversion measures under corporate law. Or this could involve structuring a strategic collaboration, founding a joint venture or providing support for a corporate succession. Another area of practice is the advisory of management bodies and shareholders.

Thanks to our firm's full-service approach, we are able to cover all other relevant legal areas alongside corporate law in order to offer you overarching solutions from a single source.

The particular specialisations of our corporate law practice are:

Capital, conversion and other structural measures (national and international)

Due to our firm's full-service orientation, we are able to cover tax law and any regulatory requirements alongside corporate law in order to offer you comprehensive advice from a single source.

Board advisory

We are particularly adept at understanding the perspective of executives, since our colleagues practising in the area of restructuring frequently take on board positions in companies themselves. This enables us to develop practical solutions that strike an appropriate balance between the interests of the parties involved. This also applies for the advisory of members of supervisory boards, whose liability is being further differentiated by current developments in case law.

Joint ventures

We have particular expertise in founding joint ventures. In this context, we contribute our extensive experience with matters of ongoing company management in the appropriate form of corporate governance for each case.

Family-run companies

Many of our partners have been working primarily for family-run companies for a long time now, so they know the particular questions that need to be integrated into the solution process for such companies – whether when changing the management structure, developing a succession solution, taking on an investor or accessing the capital market.

Shareholder advice

Another specialisation is advice for shareholders when defending their positions in dealings with companies, management boards and co-shareholders. This also includes advice and representation in case of disputes. The experience we have gained in this regard is integrated in our advisory approach, which is aimed at preventing conflict.

Our additional advisory specialisations

  • Corporation law, partnership law, cooperative law, European company (SE) law
  • Advice regarding board obligations and board liability / D&O, preparation and expert statements on the permissibility of board conduct and matters of liability and claims
  • Founding companies and financing rounds, start-up and venture capital advice
  • Joint ventures, shareholder agreements, participation agreements
  • Corporate governance advice (including advice for solutions under co-determination regulations)
  • Organisational, structural and optimisation measures, particularly capital increases and total asset sales
  • Reorganisation and restructuring measures, particularly conversions (de-mergers, mergers, changes in legal form, accretion, cross-border conversions) as well as capital reduction
  • Group organisation (cash pooling, company agreements, reporting, compliance management systems)
  • Preparation and attendance of general meetings and shareholders’ meetings.
  • Corporate law compliance (Compliance)
  • Arbitration and litigation in corporate law disputes before state courts and arbitration courts, particularly litigation regarding deficiencies in resolutions, D&O liability matters and shareholder disputes
  • Transactions with a main component relating to corporate law (M&A)

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