Prof. Dr. Jörg Bornheimer, Portrait

Prof. Dr. Jörg Bornheimer

Attorney (Germany) | Specialist for insolvency and reorganisation law | Specialist for labour law | Partner
Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 13A
Kennedyplatz 2
Feithstrasse 177
Alter Fischmarkt 21
Meckenheimer Allee 148


Prof. Dr. Jörg Bornheimer is a partner at GÖRG GÖRG Insolenzverwaltung Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Wuppertal, specializing in insolvency and restructuring law and employment law. With many years of experience in the areas of bankruptcy/insolvency law, restructuring and reorganization of companies, he has extensive knowledge and expertise.

Prof. Dr. Jörg Bornheimer is regularly appointed as insolvency administrator/supervisor by the insolvency courts of Bonn, Hagen, Cologne and Wuppertal and also assumes the function of general representative and restructuring manager in the context of self-administration proceedings.

His numerous memberships include the German Bar Association (DAV), the German Association of Insolvency Administrators (Verband der Insolvenzverwalter Deutschlands e.V.) and the Working Group for Insolvency Law and Restructuring at the DAV. In addition, he was awarded the Harry Westermann of the Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster and the Hugo Thienhaus Prize of the Münchener Baugesellschaft.

As a lecturer at the University of Wuppertal and the Hagen Law School, Prof. Dr. Jörg Bornheimer shares his expertise in various areas of law, including healthcare and insolvency law.







Schum­peter School of Business and Economics

Lectu­reship in the Faculty of Economics - Chair of Economics, in parti­cular Health Economics, module Law in Health Care


University of Münster

Award: Presen­tation of the Harry Westermann Prize of the Westfä­lische Wilhelms for parti­cu­larly outstanding work by young scien­tists


Westfä­lische - Wilhelms University of Münster

Doctorate: Doctor of Laws (summa cum laude)

Memberships and awards

German Bar Association (DAV)

Registered Association of Insolvency Administrators

Working Group for Insolvency Law Cologne

Working Group for Insolvency Law and Restructuring in the German Bar Association

Friends and Alumniof the University of Wuppertal

Member of the ICC plenary assembly in Wuppertal

INSOL Europe

Rotary Club Wuppertal-Süd

Association for Restructuring - TMA Germany

Awarded the Harry Westermann Prize 1993 by the University of Münster on 12.10.1993

Awarded the Hugo-Thienhaus Prize by the Münchener Baugesellschaft, Frankfurt a.M. on 11.02.1994

Managing Director of Südhessische Klinikverbund gGmbH, Bensheim

Teaching activities and lectures

Ernennung zum Honorarprofessor der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal (2022)

Lehrbeauftragter der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal im Bereich des Lehrstuhls Gesundheitswesen im Public Health Modul „Recht im Gesundheitssektor“

Lehrbeauftragter an der Hagen Law School für die Ausbildung von Fachanwälten/innen für Insolvenzrecht im Bereich des Strafrechts, des Gesellschaftsrechts sowie des internationalen Insolvenzrechts

Vorträge zur Krankenhaussanierung im Vorfeld oder im Rahmen eines Insolvenzverfahrens

Leiter eines Diskussionspanels zum Thema „Krankenhäuser, Alten- und Pflegeheime – Wie kann eine Restrukturierung dieser Institutionen gelingen?“

Vortrag bei der Amtsapothekertagung in Münster

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